Serial Interfaces

The serial interface connectors (COM1/COM2) have the following pin assignment:

Pin Signal Interface Description
1 Term. P RS-485 Terminator P
2 RxD/TxD-P RS-485 Receive/Transmit, positive
3 RxD/TxD-N RS-485 Receive/Transmit, negative
4 Term. N RS-485 Terminator N
5 RTS RS-232 Request to send (output)
6 TxD RS-232 Transmit data (output)
7 SGND Signal Ground Signal Ground
8 RxD RS-232 Receive data (input)
9 CTS RS-232 Clear to send (input)
No. Protocol Description
1 Online access Online access for IEC 61131-3 programming via serial driver
2 MODBUS MODBUS RTU, master or slave
3 ASCII Any protocol with FB COM_SEND, COM_REC
4 SysLibCom Support for blocks contained in the SysLibCom.lib library
5 Multi Switch between two protocols (Online access, MODBUS, ASCII, SysLibCom) using the block COM_SET_PROT
6 CS31 bus CS31 bus master
7 RCOM/RCOM+ ABB remote protocol RCOM or RCOM+ (only available as separate communication module CM574-RCOM)
1 Online access Online access for IEC 61131-3 programming with serial driver
2 MODBUS MODBUS RTU, master or slave
3 ASCII Any protocol with FB COM_SEND, COM_REC
4 SysLibCom Support for SysLibCom.lib library blocks
5 Multi Switch between two protocols (Online access, MODBUS, ASCII, SysLibCom) using the block COM_SET_PROT