Parameters of the Module

Name Value Internal value Internal value, type Default
Module ID 1) Internal 7405 WORD 7405
Ignore Module Internal 0 BYTE 0
Parameter length Internal 47 BYTE 47
Error LED / Failsafe function (Table Error LED / Failsafe function CI522-MODTCP) On 0 BYTE 0
Off by E4 1
Off by E3 3
On + failsafe 16
Off by E4 + failsafe 17
Off by E3 + failsafe 19
Master IP for Write restriction 4)

No master IP

Master IP

0,0,0,0 W,X,y,z ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE 0,0,0,0
Master IP for Write restriction 4)

No master IP

Master IP

0,0,0,0 W,X,y,z ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE 0,0,0,0
Master IP for Write restriction 4)

No master IP

Master IP

0,0,0,0 W,X,y,z ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE 0,0,0,0
Master IP for Write restriction 4)

No master IP

Master IP

0,0,0,0 W,X,y,z ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE 0,0,0,0
Master IP for Write restriction 4)

No master IP

Master IP

0,0,0,0 W,X,y,z ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE 0,0,0,0
Master IP for Write restriction 4)

No master IP

Master IP

0,0,0,0 W,X,y,z ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE 0,0,0,0
Master IP for Write restriction 4)

No master IP

Master IP

0,0,0,0 W,X,y,z ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE 0,0,0,0
Master IP for Write restriction 4)

No master IP

Master IP

0,0,0,0 W,X,y,z ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE 0,0,0,0
Timeout for Bus supervision

No supervision

10 ms timeout

20 ms timeout




BYTE No supervision
IO Mapping Structure 3)

Fixed Mapping

Dynamic Mapping



Reserved Internal 0 ARRAY[0..2] OF BYTE 0,0,0
Check supply





Fast counter









1) With a faulty ID, the module reports a “parameter error” and does not perform cyclic process data transmission.
2) Counter operating modes Fast Counter

Fixed Mapping means each module has its own MODBUS registers for data transfer independent of the I/O bus constellation. See : MODBUS TCP Registers

Dynamic mapping means the structure of the IO Date is dependent on the I/O bus constellation. Each I/O bus expansion module starts directly after the module before on the next Word adress.


If none of the parameters is set all masters / clients in the network have read and write rights on the CI52x-MODTCP device and its connected expansion modules.

If at least one parameter is set only the configured masters / clients have write rights on the CI52x-MODTCP device, all other masters / clients still have read access to the CI52x-MODTCP device.

Table Error \ LED / Failsafe function
Setting Description
On Error LED (S-ERR) lights up at errors of all error classes, Failsafe-mode off
Off by E4 Error LED (S-ERR) lights up at errors of error classes E1, E2 and E3, Failsafe-mode off
Off by E3 Error LED (S-ERR) lights up at errors of error classes E1 and E2, Failsafe-mode off
On + Failsafe Error LED (S-ERR) lights up at errors of all error classes, Failsafe-mode on *)
Off by E4 + Failsafe Error LED (S-ERR) lights up at errors of error classes E1, E2 and E3, Failsafe-mode on *)
Off by E3 + Failsafe Error LED (S-ERR) lights up at errors of error classes E1 and E2, Failsafe-mode on *)
*) The parameter Behaviour DO at comm. error is only analyzed if the Failsafe-mode is ON.