LED State DisplaysΒΆ

The state of the CANOPENCANOPEN communication module is displayed by means of state LEDs. After power ON, the communication module initializes a self-test. If this test has been successful, the yellow RDY LED goes ON. Otherwise, the LED starts blinking and aborts any further initialization. If the RDY LED remains OFF, the communication module is defective.

In the course of initialization, the RUN LED is OFF for the first time. The LED will only be activated after configuration data has been sent to the communication module and the operating mode of the communication module has been set. If the operating system of the communication module detects a parameterization or configuration error, the green RUN LED flashes non-cyclically. If this LED flashes cyclically, the communication module is ready for communication, but the communication is not active yet. In case of an active communication, the RUN LED lights continuously.

During the initialization procedure and also if the Communication Module is configured (anew) - in particular if the operating mode was changed - it can occur that all or some LEDs light up for a short period of time, before reaching a defined condition.

The green PWR LED indicates, that the supply voltage is present.

The following figure shows the positions of the LEDs. The table after that shows the LED statuses and their meanings.

LED Color Status Description
PWR green ON (light) Voltage is present
OFF (dark) Voltage is missing
RDY yellow ON Communication module is ready
flashes cyclic Bootstrap loader is active
flashes non-cyclic Hardware or system error
OFF Defective hardware or no power supply
RUN green ON Communication is running
flashes cyclic Ready for communication
flashes non-cyclic Parameterization error
OFF No communication or no power supply
STA yellow ON CANOPEN master: transmits data
OFF CANOPEN master: no data
ERR red ON CANOPEN error
OFF No error