Control Station and Substation Configuration

The CPU can work as both, control station and substation.

Control station Client, master, controlling station: Synonyms for a higher-level station (central station, monitors other stations)
Control direction Data transfer direction from the control station to the substation
Substation Server, slave, controlled station: synonyms for a subordinate IEC 60870-5-104 telecontrol station (which is monitored)
Monitoring direction Data transfer direction from the substation to the controlling station

Configure a control station in the device tree PLC -> Interfaces -> Ethernet -> ETHx:

  1. Right-click ETHx ‣ Add objects.

  2. Select the control station from the list and click Add object. Configure substations and further control stations in the same way. As of Automation_Builder 1.1 any combination of control stations and substations can be configured, in due consideration of a total number of 10 stations.

  3. Double-click the new control station node to open parameter configuration. In the Link Layer tab access to the ETHERNET interface is configured.