
The following parameters are available in the configuration view of the COM port node:

Parameter Value ranges Meaning
Run on config fault No If this parameter is set to “Yes” the IEC application will not be prevented from switching to RUN state, independent from possibly existing configuration errors of the particular COM port.
Baud rate 9600 baud/sec Sets up the baudrate to use for the COM port.
Parity None Sets up the parity to use for the COM port.
Data bits 5 data bits Sets up the number of data bits to use for the COM port
6 data bits
7 data bits
8 data bits
Stop bits 1 stop bits Sets up the number of stop bits to use for the COM port.
2 stop bits
Flow control No flow control Allows to switch between different flow control modes (either RTS/CTS hardware or Xon/Xoff software or none). This setting is only valid for RS-232 serial interface mode. In case RS-485 is used for parameter “Serial interface”, flow control must set to “No flow control”. Otherwise a configuration error is triggered.
Hardware RTS/CTS
Software Xon/Xoff
Boot parameter Serial interface RS-232 Allows to switch between RS-232 and RS-485. Due to technical reasons, it’s not possible to dynamically switch between the modes. This means, a reboot (or power cycle) of the PLC is required to activate the particular setting once changed.