SNTP Server Configuration

For SNTP server configuration add a new object SNTP Server under of the available Ethernet interfaces (ETH1-ETHn).

Only one instance of the SNTP Server is possible per PLC.


The following parameters are available:


Not all parameters are shown in the user interface.

It should not be necessary to change the default values of the other parameters for the most applications.

But there is the possibility to edit them in the generic parameter editor.

Access Control

Parameter Default Value Meaning
Enable FALSE TRUE or FALSE Enables Access Control
Network address Valid IP address Network address of allowed clients
Subnet mask 24 8 … 32 Subnet mask of the network address

Local Server

Parameter Default Value Meaning

This option enables the protocol to run as local server.

That means without synchronization to an external time source.

Stratum 10 1 … 15

Stratum of the server

when it is used as local server

Distance 1 s 0 … 3.403e+38

Distances in seconds of the server

when it is used as local server

Orphan FALSE TRUE or FALSE Enables or disables the orphan mode