Initialization of AC500 V3

  1. Automation_Builder: Add the object PM5650-2ETH to your project.

  2. Device: Switch on the device.

    On the device display “Init” is shown.


    In Automation_Builder the activated PLC is not displayed under Tools ‣ IP-Configuration.

  3. Automation_Builder: Double-click the node PM5650-2ETH and select the IP address “”:

  4. Click Execute update.

    Device: The Run and Error LEDs are still blinking.

    Wait until only the Run LED is blinking and the device display shows “Stop”.

    Then, reboot the PLC.

    After Power Cycle the PLC ends in Stop mode.

  5. Automation_Builder: Click Tools ‣ IP-Configuration and click Scan.

  6. Double-click the node PLC_AC500_V3 and enter the IP address:


    Click Enter to start the scan process.

    After a successful scan, the IP address is enhanced to “ (active)”.

  7. Login to the PLC: Online ‣ Login.

  8. To read out firmware information, double-click the node PLC_AC500_V3. In the tab PLC Shell navigate to the command line and type “rtsinfo”.