
Meaning of the input information for the \ fast counter:
Meaning of the input information Output information of the user program Meaning
Start value 1 Output double word 0 Double word

Set values for the counters 1 and 2:

Each counter can be set to a start value. Start values are loaded into the counter by the user program. Using the set signal (depending on the operating mode either via a terminal or the bit SET within the control byte 1 or 2), the values of the double word variables are loaded into the counter 1 or 2.

Start value 2 Output double word 1 Double word
End value 1 Output double word 2 Double word

End value for the counters 1 and 2:

The end values for the two counters are stored as comparison values into the module by the user program. Both counters compare continuously whether or not their programmed end value is equal to their actual value. When the counter (actual value) reaches its programmed end value, the binary output CF of the status byte is set permanently.

End value 2 Output double word 3 Double word

Control byte 1

see 1)

Output byte 0


Bit 0 = UP/DWN

Bit 1 = EN

Bit 2 = SET

Bit 3 to Bit 7 free

Control bytes for the counters 1 and 2:

UP/DWN: In some operating modes, the counter can count downwards, too. If counting down is desired, set the bit UP/DWN to TRUE and the bit SET to 1. When doing so, the counter starts counting downwards from the start value (set value) to the end value (max. from 4,294,967,295 to 0 or hexadecimal from FF FF FF FF to 00 00 00 00). After reaching 0 the counter jumps to 4,294,967,295.

EN: Processing of the counter signals must be enabled. Depending on the operating mode, enabling is done via a terminal or by the bit EN = TRUE within the control byte.

SET: The counter can be set to a start value (see the description of the set values for the counters 1 and 2 at the beginning of this table.

Control byte 2

see 1)

  1. Only for CI581-CN/CI582-CN: Control bytes 1 and 2 are available twice on grounds of data consistency. Hence, a Start and End evaluation is only effected if the signals “Control Byte1_0” and “Control Byte1_1” or “Control Byte2_0” and “Control Byte2_1” (process image) are identical.
Meaning of the output information of the \ fast counter
Output information Input information for the user program Meaning
Actual Value 0 Input double word 0 Double word Actual value of the counter 0
Actual Value 1 Input double word 1 Double word Actual value of the counter 1
Status Byte 0 Input byte 0


Bit 0 = CF

Bit 1 to Bit 7 free

CF: When the counter reaches the programmed end value, the counter output is stored permanently as CF = TRUE (end value reached). Only when the counter is set again (set value), CF is reset to FALSE.
Status Byte 1 Input byte 1