Extraction of an Archive\¶
The currently loaded project will be closed automatically when extracting the selected project archive. It is recommended to open a new instance of Automation_Builder before starting the extraction process.
.Select the desired project file and click
.Section/Control Parameter Description Locations Extract into the same folder where the archive is located The project archive will be extracted to the same path where the archive is located. Extract into the following folder Path to which the project archive should be extracted. Button … Opening a folder selection dialog which allows selecting the desired path. Contents Items Select the items which should be extracted. Comment Displaying comments included inside the Project archive file. Extract Triggering the extraction process. Automation_Builder extracts the archive and creates a project from out the archive. After creating the project Automation_Builder checks the version of the project. If the project version and the activated Automation_Builder version is not identical the workflow is the same as described in “Opening an Existing Project”. Cancel Closing the Extract Project Archive dialog and canceling the extraction process.