Configuration of FTP Server

As of SystemFW 3.1.0 the FTP server is listening only on the ETHERNET interface, which the protocol is configured on. It is not possible to have an FTP server on both ETHERNET interfaces.

  1. Under Ethernet -> ETH [1,2,…] add a new object and select FTP Server from the list.

  2. Double-click the FTP_Server item to open FTP server configuration and change the default settings of the parameters, if required.

Parameter Default Value Description
FTP Server      
  Port 21 21 Do not change the default setting. The parameter specifies the port which is used to connect to the FTP server on the PLC.
  Sessions 1 1…4 Enter the max. number of allowed simultaneous and parallel connections to the FTP server. Each session uses one socket. Note: Some FTP clients require several connections to work.
Passwords - - Set each user’s passwords for login. No entry = no password.
  system - - System RAM disk
  sdcard - - Inserted SD card.
  userdisk - - User section of the flashdisk.
  flashdisk - - Only available with PM5675-2ETH