Editing and Selecting User Management Dialogs

In the user management dialogs, you define the login, logout, changing of the user password, and editing of the user management in the visualization at runtime.


If you create your own dialog as a user management dialog, then you should use the visualizations from the included library project VisuUserMgmtDialogs.library as the basis, because it uses the required interfaces. Your own user management dialog is listed then in Visualization manager ‣ Settings, Settings for user management dialogs.

Editing user management dialogs

Requirement: The library project VisuUserMgmtDialogs.library exists in the installation directory.

  1. Click File ‣ Open project.

  2. Select the project VisuUserMgmtDialogs.library from the Projects folder of the installation directory.

  3. Click View ‣ POUs.

    In the POUs view, the project is displayed with the visualizations UserMgmtChangePassword, UserMgmtConfig, and UserMgmtChangePassword.

  4. Double-click a visualization (example: UserMgmtLogin).

  5. Change the visualization as you like and save the project.

  6. Then, reinstall the library and add it to the Library Manager of your application.

Selecting user management dialogs

  1. Click the Visualization Manager object in the device tree.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. In Settings for user management dialogs, select the dialogs for Login dialog, Change password dialog, and Change configuration dialog.


    If no entries can be seen in Settings for user management dialogs in the dialog lists, then close the Visualization manager and reopen it.

Configuring visualization buttons for the login, logout, change password, and user management dialogs

  1. Drag a Button element from the ToolBox view (Common controls) to the visualization.

  2. Click the Input configuration node in the Properties view.

  3. Click auf Configure in the property Input configuration ‣ OnMouseClick.

  4. Click User management and 1214df56afaa04c9c0a8640e01197f93_8dff02aaec111252c0a8640e01c28002 in the Input configuration dialog.

    The following Dialogs and actions are listed on the right: Login, Logout, Change user password, and Open user management.

  5. Select the dialog or action to assign to the button and click OK.

    When the button is clicked at runtime, the selected dialog opens or the selected action is executed.


If you want to open and edit the user management in the visualization at runtime, you must be a member of a group that has the Permission to change user data.

See also