Visualization Element ‘Analog Clock’

Symbol: 261f315e5fe4ebc2c0a8640e01ff3121_3090b2c15fec8dc8c0a8640e00e43bdf

Tag: Date/time controls

This element is a clock that displays the current point in time. The clock can also display any time.

Element properties

Element name Example: GenElemInst_1
Type of element Analog clock

Element property ‘Position’

The position defines the location and size of the element in the visualization window. These are based on the Cartesian coordinate system. The origin is located at the upper left corner of the window. The positive horizontal x-axis runs to the right. The positive vertical y-axis runs downwards.


X coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the element

Specified in pixels.

Example: 10.


Specified in pixels.

Example: 150


Specified in pixels.

Example: 30


You can also change the values by dragging the box symbols ( 261f315e5fe4ebc2c0a8640e01ff3121_7b449e02d0393877c0a8640e01fd8c9e ) to other positions in the editor.

See also

Element property ‘Time Display’

Use system time 261f315e5fe4ebc2c0a8640e01ff3121_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The system time of the PLC is displayed.

Variable (time data type TOD, TIME_OF_DAY). This receives the time of day that is not the system time.

Example: PLC_PRG.todTimeTokio

Requirement: The Use system time property is not activated.

See also

Clock design
  • From style: All settings are preconfigured according to the style.
  • Explicit: The Clock settings property is shown, where you can edit the analog clock.

Element property ‘Settings’

Requirement: The Property is Explicit. Only then is the Clock Settings category visible.

Background color

Color variants of the default background image

  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Black
Own background Background display with the specific Image. Replaces the default background image.

Image from an image pool or library

Example: myImagepool.myImage

Transparency color

The transparent color in the image representation.

Example: White. The white parts of the image are transparent.

Use background color

261f315e5fe4ebc2c0a8640e01ff3121_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The image background is displayed using the color defined in the Background color property.

Requirement: No image reference is given in the Image property.

Background color

Style color or color

Requirement: Use background color is activated.

Hand style Example: Thin arrow
Color hour hand Style color or color for the hands
Color minute hand
Color second hand
Lines style

Clock face graduation

  • None
  • Line: Graduation lines by hour
  • Hours and minutes: Graduation lines by hours and minutes
  • Dots: Graduation dots by hour
Color Color of the clock face graduation
Line width Line weight of the clock face graduation
Scale in 3D 261f315e5fe4ebc2c0a8640e01ff3121_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Representation of the clock face with 3D effect
Style of numerics

Digits on the clock face

  • None
  • Quarter
  • All
Font Font for displaying the digits
Font color Font for displaying the digits
Center point
Color Color of the center of the clock
Usage of
  • Default style values: Presetting of the style values
  • Individual settings: User-defined settings in the subordinate Positioning property.
Positioning Requirement: Visible when the Usage or property is set to Individual settings.
Numerics movement

Value (in pixels) for shifting the digits.

Example: 80

Line movement

Value (in pixels) for shifting the hour lines.

Example: 100

Hands scaling

Factor for scaling the length of the hour hand. You can customize the exact position of the hour hand relative to the background image.

Example: 100

Scaling type

Defines the scaling of the height and width of the element.

  • Anisotropic: The background image is scaled to the size of the element The height and width are scaled independently of each other.
  • Isotropic: The background image is scaled to the size of the element, retaining its proportion. The proportion of height and width is fixed.
Optimized drawing

261f315e5fe4ebc2c0a8640e01ff3121_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The background image is drawn one time. When the hour hand moves, only the affected part of the image is redrawn.

261f315e5fe4ebc2c0a8640e01ff3121_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : The background image is redrawn in cycles.

Tip: Deactivate this option only for extreme exceptions.