Displaying Structured Variable Values in Tables

Subsequent instructions describe an example of how an array of a structure is displayed in a table. To prepare, create the MyStruct DUT and the declarations in the PLC_PRG program.

TYPE MyStruct :
\ \ iNo : INT;
\ \ bOnStock : BOOL;
\ \ strPartNumber : STRING;

\ arrStruct : ARRAY[0..6] OF MyStruct;
\ iSelectedColumn : INT;
  1. Drag the Table visualization element to the visualization editor.

  2. Assign the array variable arrStruct to the Data array property.

    The structure components are displayed as column headers and the array index is as row headings.

  3. Change the property Columns ‣ Column ‣ [0] ‣ Column header to an informative header (example: Number).

  4. Change the header of column [1] to in stock and column [2] to Part number. Adjust the column width.

  5. Assign a color to the property Selection ‣ Selection color.

  6. Define the property Selection ‣ Selection type as row selection.

  7. Define the variable PLC_PRG.iSelectedColumn for the property Selection ‣ Variable for row selection.

    The following display results in online mode:


See also