Methods of the Dialog Manager

Visualizations that have the visualization type Dialog and serve as input requests are automatically instanced and managed by the internal dialog manager.

The dialog manager can be accessed in the application via the similarly internal visualization manager by calling the method GetDialogManager.

The dialog manager has the following methods for handling a dialog.


You can program the method calls in function blocks or functions that are themselves called from the visualization or via the action Execute ST code.

In addition, you can program the method calls in the application code. Make sure that the call runs in the VISU_TASK. The behaviour is undefined if this is not the case.

Method ‘GetDialog’

Supplies the instance (IVisualisationDialog) of the dialog whose name is transferred.

Inputs (VAR_INPUT)
Name Data type Description
stName STRING Name of the dialog
Outputs (VAR_OUTPUT)
Name Data type Description
GetDialog VisuElems.IVisualisationDialog Instance (IVisualisationDialog) of the dialog

Method ‘GetClientInterface’

Supplies a pointer to the dialog structure.


Dialog data are held for each display variant.

Inputs (VAR_INPUT)
Name Data type Description
dialog VisuElems.IVisualisationDialog Name of the visualization
pClient POINTER TO VisuElems.IVisualisationDialogVisuStructClientData Pointer to the display variants
Outputs (VAR_OUTPUT)
Name Data type Description
GetClientInterface Example: POINTER TO Login_VISU_STRUCT Pointer to the dialog structure.

Method ‘OpenDialog’

Opens the dialog for the client.


In addition there is the extended method ‘OpenDialog(Number)’ .

Inputs (VAR_INPUT)
Name Data type Description
dialog VisuElems.IVisualisationDialog Name of the visualization
pClient POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData  
bModal BOOL  
Outputs (VAR_OUTPUT)
Name Data type Description

Method ‘CloseDialog’

Closes the dialog for the client.

Inputs (VAR_INPUT)
Name Data type Description
dialog VisuElems.IVisualisationDialog Name of the visualization
pClient POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData  
Outputs (VAR_OUTPUT)
Name Data type Description