Displaying Variable Values in the VisualizationΒΆ

There are visualization elements ranging from simple to very specialized for displaying the data of a running application.

Some examples:

  • Simple output of variable values: For an element Rectangle, for example, you configure a pure formatting specification in the property Text and the variable whose value is to be displayed in the element in the property Text variable.
  • Displaying structured variable values (structure, array, function block): You use the element Table and in its configuration in the property Data array you enter an array variable whose values are to be displayed in the table. One-dimensional arrays can also be visualized in a histogram.
  • Displaying values by image toggling. Example: a certain plant image is shown depending on the error message that occurs. To this end you configure an element Image with a variable in the Image ID variableproperty.
  • Displaying a variable value as a bar or with a pointer on a scale: enter a variable in the property Value of the element Bar display or element Meter in order to display its value as a bar on a horizontal or round scale.
  • Displaying alarms: The alarms configured in the alarm management of the application can be made visible in the user interface via the elements Alarm table and Alarm banner.
  • Trace and Trend: for the graphic recording of variable values over a period of time.

See the descriptions of the respective element properties for details.

See also