Command ‘Interface Editor’

Symbol: 80134b51bf845316c0a8640e00d615b4_643807728cecc323c0a8640e01cbf141 , Shortcut: Alt + F6

Function: The command opens or closes the tab Interface Editor above the visualization editor.

Call: Menu Visualization ‣ Interface Editor. Alternatively by clicking on the small down arrow at the top of the visualization editor.

Tab ‘Interface Editor’

Symbol: 80134b51bf845316c0a8640e00d615b4_45ad5708dfc444fac0a8640e004999e9


{attribute '<Attributname>' [:= '<Ausdruck>']}
<Bezeichner> :<Datentyp>;

The tab contains an editor for the declaration of interface variables. The editor behaves in a similar way to the declaration editor of a function block.

Variable Types

Applies to interfaces of visualizations or dialogs

80134b51bf845316c0a8640e00d615b4_5755183bef79dc15c0a8640e0152648f VAR_IN_OUT
  • When transferring a structure.

    When the visualization is instanced it receives a reference to the current application data.

  • When transferring a control variable, if the variable is written to when a user input is made. Only then the visualization can write to it.

Please note: In the case of dialogs the data are only written back when the dialog is closed.

Hint: you are urgently recommended to use these variable types so that the return of values is possible. In addition, no data need to be copied.

80134b51bf845316c0a8640e00d615b4_5755183bef79dc15c0a8640e0152648f VAR_IN_OUT with attribute VAR_IN_OUT_AS_POINTER

When transferring a pointer to a data object.

As opposed to the variable type VAR_IN_OUT (without attribute), the variable changes become effective immediately and not only when the dialog is closed.

Please note: use this interface variable type only with a dialog.

80134b51bf845316c0a8640e00d615b4_eae23cb1ef8def07c0a8640e01bdfc18 VAR_INPUT

When transferring data that are only read

Please note:

  • If the visualization is executed as an integrated visualization, only input variables of a basic data type (scalar type) may be transferred.
  • If the visualization is executed as CODESYS TargetVisu or CODESYS Web Visualization, then input variables of any data type (including POUs) can also be transferred.
80134b51bf845316c0a8640e00d615b4_eae23cb1ef8def07c0a8640e01bdfc18 VAR_INPUT with attribute parameterstringof When transferring an interface variable (data type STRING) for the instance name of the transfer parameter specified in the attribute.

See also