Visualization Element ‘Histogram’

Symbol: a5537afee312ac7bc0a8640e01dc91ef_68fae36146ec4d8dc0a8640e00b094c0

Tag: Measurement controls

This element displays the data of a one-dimensional array as a histogram. You can define specific colors for certain value ranges.

See also

Element properties

Element name Example: GenElemInst_35
Element type Histogram
Data array

One-dimensional array with data displayed in this histogram.

Example: PLC_PRG.arr1

Element property ‘Subrange of array’

Use subrange a5537afee312ac7bc0a8640e01dc91ef_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Only part of the array is displayed in the histogram.
Start index

First array index with a displayed value.

Requirement: Use subrange is activated.

End index

Last array index with a displayed value.

Requirement: Use subrange is activated.

Display type
  • Bars: Data is displayed as bars.
  • Lines: Data is displayed as lines.
  • Curve: Interpolation of data into a curve.
Line width

Specified in pixels.

Requirement: Curve is selected as the Display type.

Show horizontal lines

a5537afee312ac7bc0a8640e01dc91ef_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : Horizontal lines are drawn on the main scale.

Note: Not all visualization styles have this property. This element property is not available for visualization styles that have striped backgrounds (example: Flat style).

Relative bar width

Integer value between 1 and 100

  • 1: The bars are drawn as lines.
  • 100: The complete width of the histogram is filled with the bars.

Element property ‘Scale’

Scale start Lowest value of the scale and the lower limit of the value range for the element (example : 0).
Scale end Highest value of the scale and the upper limit of the value range for the element (example : 100).
Main scale Distance between two tick marks of the rough scale (example: 10).
Subscale Distance between two tick marks of the fine scale (example: 2). You can hide the fine scale by setting the value to 0.
Scale color

Color of scale lines

  • a5537afee312ac7bc0a8640e01dc91ef_2be833ef7deb1e6ec0a8640e0056e76c :

    The Color dialog box opens.

  • a5537afee312ac7bc0a8640e01dc91ef_379d3b8945773148c0a8640e0139d9cb : A drop-down list with color names opens.

Base line

Value of the main scale where the horizontal base line of the histogram is located.

The drawing of the bar starts at the base line.

Element property ‘Label’


Text that is displayed in the element.

Example: Units displayed in m/s.


Font for labels (example: scale numbering).

Selection from the drop-down list or by clicking the button. a5537afee312ac7bc0a8640e01dc91ef_a4d09d1d1e8fe8bdc0a8640e01947982

Scale format (C Syntax)

Values scaled in “printf” syntax

Examples: %d, %5.2f

Max. text width of labels

Optional value that defines the maximum width of the scale label.

Note: Change this value only if the automatic adjustment does not yield the expected result.

Text height of labels

Optional value that defines the maximum height of the scale label.

Note: Change this value only if the automatic adjustment does not yield the expected result.

Font color Selection from the drop-down list or by clicking the a5537afee312ac7bc0a8640e01dc91ef_a4d09d1d1e8fe8bdc0a8640e01947982 button.

Element property ‘Colors’

Graph color

Color of the bar in normal state.

Note: The normal state is in effect when the current value of the array component does not fulfill the alarm condition.

Alarm value Threshold for the alarm
Alarm condition

If the current value of the array component fulfills the alarm condition, then the alarm condition is set.

  • Less: The current value is less than the Alarm value
  • More: The current value is greater than the Alarm value
Alarm color Color of the bar in alarm state.
Use color areas a5537afee312ac7bc0a8640e01dc91ef_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : The color areas defined in this element are used.
Color areas
Create new A new color area is added.
Delete The color area is removed from the list.
Begin of area The start value on the Scale of the histogram where the color area begins.
End of area The end value on the Scale of the histogram where the color area ends.
Color Color that is used for displaying the area.

Element property ‘Access rights’

Requirement: User management is set up for the visualization.

Access rights

Opens the Access rights dialog box for changing the access rights for the element.

Status messages:

  • Not set. All rights.: Access rights for all user groups : operable
  • Rights are assigned: limited rights: Access is restricted for at least one group.

See also