Element property ‘Appearance variables’

The properties contain variables for controlling the appearance of the element dynamically.

Line width

Variable (integer data type). Contains the line weight (in pixels).

Note: The values 0 and 1 both result in a line weight of one pixel. If no line should be displayed, then the Line style property must be set to the option Invisible.

Line style

Variable (DWORD). Controls the line style.


  • 0: Solid line
  • 1: Dashed line
  • 2: Dotted line
  • 3: Line type “Dash Dot”
  • 3: Line type “Dash Dot Dot”
  • 8: Invisible: The line is not drawn.


Fixed values can be set in the Appearance property. These values can be overwritten by dynamic variables at runtime.

See also