Tab ‘Visualization Manager’ - ‘Font Settings’

Symbol: f29ef635bf69dbe0c0a8640e0075b705_f1b6bf4079910c85c0a8640e0157cef2

Function: This tab provides settings for adapting the font and size of a text depending on the language. The settings are applied to the texts of the visualizations that are located under the same application as the visualization manager.

Language specific font settings
Language A column is created for each language that is used in the project. All text lists, including those from integrated libraries, are scanned for this.
Font Font used by the visualization depending on the language.
Size factor The factor affects the type size of all texts in the visualization. If the factor is smaller than 1, this leads to a reduction of the type size. If the factor is 1, all texts are displayed unchanged as defined in Properties. Default: 1
Context menu of a currently selected cell
  • Delete language: The associated column is removed. This is advisable above all if settings in the column are highlighted in red.
  • Copy language settings: All settings in the column are copied to the clipboard.
  • Paste language settings: All settings in the column are overwritten with the values from the clipboard.
Red highlighting of a cell The setting cannot be applied at runtime. The language is no longer present in the text lists of the project or the libraries .