Dialog Box ‘Project Environment’ - ‘Visualization Styles’

Function: The dialog displays the currently used visualization style of the project. The visualization style can be updated here.

Call: Main menu Project ‣ Project Environment, tab Visualization styles

For the following visualization styles currently in use, newer versions are available:
Visualization styles Version of the currently set visualization style of the opened project.
Current Current version of the visualization style, for example
Recommended Recommenden version of the visualization style, for example
Do not update The visualization style of the project remains unchanged.
Update to x.x.x.x CODESYS updates the project to the version of the chosen visualization style.
Check for updates when loading the project

fa8c63783d09334fc0a8640e009e6574_9a3f06830c0506c5c0a8640e012f0ace : CODESYS checks for new versions when the project is opened. If there are updates available an update dialog opens automatically.

fa8c63783d09334fc0a8640e009e6574_4681610f0c058035c0a8640e0049916a : No check of the version. The update dialogs do not open automatically any longer.

Set all to newest CODESYS updates the version.

See also