Introduction of the SNTP ProtocolΒΆ
- SNTP Protocol is only available for AC500 CPUs with onboard ETHERNET.
- If a high precision of system time is wanted, use a fully functional NTP server or at least a SNTP server with a high-precision time-source (e.g. DCF-77 receiver). Avoid cascading several levels of SNTP server / SNTP clients.
- Client requests are normally sent at intervals depending on the frequency tolerance of the client clock and the required accuracy. However, under no conditions requests should be sent at less than one minute intervals (see RFC 4330). Keep that in mind when setting polling-interval of the SNTP client, especially if a huge amount of clients use one single server.
- Be sure not to use broadcast or multicast addresses as server or backup-server since current SNTP implementation does not support manycast mode.
As of Automation_Builder 1.1 SNTP protocol configuration has been moved to another location within the device tree. In former Versions SNTP protocol configuration has been configured under so-called extended settings.
As of and including Automation_Builder 1.1 SNTP parameters for SNTP client and SNTP server are configured under the Protocols item in the device tree.
For further information on SNTP protocol configuration, see Configuration of the SNTP Protocol.