Adding Variables to Watch Window \ from Language Editors¶
If one or more variables or elements are selected in a language editor or the declaration editor, 2 new menu items will appear in the Extras menu:
- Into new watch list
- Add to watch list
Select Into new watch list to automatically create a new watch list for the selected variables (automatically named watch1, watch2, …).
Select Add to watch list to open a sub menu containing a list of all existing watch lists. After that, select the desired watch list to append the variables to that watch list.
If an area with more than one variable is selected in a language editor (it is dependent on the language editor how multiple selections of elements is realized, see below), all selected variables will be added to the watch list.
It is not necessary to enable/disable monitoring active manually.
If a user wants to enable/disable monitoring active manually (to add a variable manually), the keyboard shortcut ALT+X+M is available.
These menu items are available in online mode only, if the full instance path of a variable inside a Function Block is known.
The possibilities of multiple selections are explained in the following sections.