General Automation_Builder Configuration

  1. In the device tree, add the object DC541-CM (Extension Bus -> Slot).

  2. Double-click the added object and configure the I/O channels.

    The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Run on config fault No No In case of a configuration error, the user program is not started.
Yes The user program is started even if the internal ETHERNET coupler is configured incorrectly.
Do not delete config on Reset (original) On On The configuration of the DC541-CM is not deleted in case of a reset (original).
Off In case of a reset (original), the configuration of the DC541-CM is deleted, too.
Num edges ignore input 0 0 0…255 Number of edges that may occur at input 0 without initiating the interrupt task, if channel C0 is configured as interrupt input.
Watchdog On On Mutual time monitoring between the CPU and the DC541-CM is switched on.
Off No time monitoring.

Depending on the desired use case of the function module DC541-CM, the appropriate operating mode is to be defined. For this, add a new object to the DC541-CM node and select an operating mode.