SNTP Client Configuration

For SNTP client configuration (Automation_Builder 1.1) add a new object SNTP Client under Ethernet Interface -> Protocols:


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning
SNTP Client
Server Valid IP address IP address of the SNTP server.
Backup server Valid IP address IP address of the SNTP server which will be used if the primary server is unreachable.
Interval 60 15 … 65535 Parameter Interval sets the interval in [s] for outgoing SNTP requests.
Wait for sync before RUN   Disabled CPU does not wait for time synchronization from SNTP server and turns to RUN state immediately.
Enabled CPU waits for time synchronization from SNTP server and remains in Stop state after the time is over.
Time to wait for sync 10 1 … 120 The time the CPU waits for receiving the time synchronization from SNTP server. If the CPU does not receive a valid time within the given period, an EC4 error appears.
Allow timejumps Enabled Disabled Timejumps lead to an EC4 error in the CPU.
Enabled Timejumps are accepted. Parameter Allowed threshold for timejumps can be adapted to determine the threshold for the timejumps. If the needed timejump exceeds the threshold, the CPU refuses the setting of time received from SNTP server and an EC4 error appears.
Allowed threshold for timejumps 60 1 … 43200 Parameter Allowed threshold for timejumps represents the threshold which is allowed for timejumps in [s].