Configuration of the ETHERCAT Slaves

Double-click on a ETHERCAT slave module in the device tree opens the Slave configuration dialog in the editor window:


All parameters are set to the device-specific standard values by default. To edit the parameters enable the parameter Enable Expert Settings by activating the check box. This option also displays detailed parameters:


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default Value Meaning


(Remark 1 Configuration of the ETHERCAT Slaves)

AutoInc Address 0 0…65535 Autoincremental address (16-bit), defined by the position of the slave in the network. This address is only used during startup, when the master is assigning the ETHERCAT addresses to the slaves. When for this purpose the first telegram runs through the slaves, each run-through slave increases its AutoInc Address by 1. The slave with address 0 finally will receive the data. Possible input for example “-8”. General -> AutoIncr Address of the Slave
ETHERCAT Address 0 0…65535 Final address of the slave, assigned by the master during startup. This address is independent from the position in the network. General -> Physical Address of the Slave
Enable Expert Settings Disabled Disabled Expert settings are not editable. -
Enabled Expert settings are editable.
Distributed Clock
Select DC - -

The drop-down menu provides all settings for distributed clocks provided by the device description file.

Currently this parameter is deactivated.

Enable Disabled Disabled The distributed clock is not enabled. The parameter setting for Sync0 and Sync1 are disabled and unused. Distributed_Clock -> DC enable
Enabled The distributed clock is enabled. The parameter settings for Sync0 and Sync1 are enabled and can be edited.
Sync Unit Cycle (µs) Device-specific Device-specific

If the Distributed Clock functionality is enabled, the data exchange cycle time, displayed in the field Sync Unit Cycle (µs) will be determined by the master cycle time. Thus the master clock can synchronize the data exchange within the network.

The master cycle time for the distributed clock can be determined by editing parameter Cycletime of section Distributed Clock in the Master editor window.

Parameter of the Master
Sync 0
Enable Sync 0 Disabled Disabled Sync 0 is currently not supported. Distributed_Clock -> DC sync0 enable
Sync Unit Cycle x 1 / 16 .. x 16 Distributed_Clock -> DC sync0 factor
Cycle time (µs) - 0..2:sup:32-1 Distributed_Clock -> DC sync0 cycletime
User defined - - -
Shift Time (µs) 0 0..2:sup:32-1 Distributed_Clock -> DC sync0 shift time
Sync 1
Enable Sync 1 Disabled Disabled Sync 1 is currently not supported. Distributed_Clock -> DC sync1 enable
Sync Unit Cycle - - Distributed_Clock -> DC sync1 factor
Cycle time (µs) - 0..2:sup:32-1 Distributed_Clock -> DC sync1 cycletime
User defined - - -
Shift Time (µs)     Distributed_Clock -> DC sync1 shift time
Startup checking
Check Vendor ID Enabled Disabled The vendor ID is not checked against the current configuration settings. General -> CheckVendorID
Enabled The vendor ID is checked against the current configuration settings. If a mismatch is detected the bus will be stopped and no further actions will be executed.
Check Product ID Enabled Disabled The product ID is not checked against the current configuration settings. General -> CheckProductID
Enabled The product ID is checked against the current configuration settings. If a mismatch is detected the bus will be stopped and no further actions will be executed.
SDO Access 1000 0…10000 Timeout for sending SDO list at system startup in [ms]. General -> Timeout SDO Access
I -> P 1000 0…10000 Timeout for switch from mode Init to mode Preoperational in [ms]. General -> Timeout Init
P -> S / S -> O 10000 0…10000 Timeout for switch from mode Preoperational to Safe Operational resp. from Safe Operational to Operational in [ms]. General -> Timeout Preop to Safeop
DC cyclic unit control: assign to local µC
Cyclic Unit Disabled Disabled DC cyclic unit control is currently not supported. -
Latch Unit 0 Disabled Disabled
Latch Unit 1 Disabled Disabled
Station alias
Enable (read-only) Disabled Disabled Station alias is currently not supported. -
Value (read-only) 0 0 -

Remark 1

The parameters in this column are shown in tab ETHERCAT Configuration which is only visible if parameter Show generic device configuration views is activated (open the Options dialog window with menu item Tools -> Options, parameter is located under section Device editor).
