Symbolic Names for Variables, Inputs and Outputs¶
The IEC naming rules are not checked during input in Automation_Builder.
Input and Output Mapping
Devices with I/Os provide an I/O Mapping tab in their configuration editor where the available I/O channels can directly be mapped to a global variable.
The corresponding variable declarations are automatically created in a global variables object in a sub-folder of the Global Variables section in the IEC 61131-3 editor project.
All available I/O channels can easily be assigned to a variable.
The variable is automatically added to the Global Variables in the IEC 61131-3 editor project after recreating the configuration data Creating Configuration Data.
AC500 uses Motorola Byte Order (Big Endian).
The numbers in column Channel correspond to the channel numbers only and not to the bit position inside the WORD variable.
Only entries with a data type set in column “Type” can be mapped. These entries can be expanded to show the available I/O channels.
If the project has been imported from a previous Automation_Builder version, all variables should be checked to avoid inconsistencies concerning the I/O mapping.
The variable is automatically added to the global variables in the IEC 61131-3 editor project after (re)creating the configuration data:
An additional GVL (Global Variables List) can be created and transferred to IEC 61131-3 editor V2.3. Editing of lists created in IEC 61131-3 editor V2.3 is not possible.