Dial-Up Configuration

In order to use dial-up connections, a modem module has to be appended to the RCOM/RCOM+ Communication Module in the project structure.


ABB recommends HSM Eco modems for usage with CM574-RCOM Communication Modules.

  1. Right-click the RCOM (RCOM/RCOM+) node and select Add object.

  2. Select Dial-up modem and click Add object.

  3. In the device tree, double-click the new Dial-up modem object. The module contains all commands required for controlling the modem. It is preconfigured for the HSM Eco modem:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Modem init ATZ^M~~ATI4^M~ String Hayes compatible AT command to initialize connected modem.
Dial prefix 1…6 ATDT String Hayes compatible AT command to dial a number. 6 different dial prefixes can be configured.
Dial suffix ^M String Hayes compatible AT command string that is appended to the dial string.
Connect answer CONNECT String Message of the connected modem, if connection is established.
Modem ring RING String Message of the connected modem, if incoming call is registered.
No carrier NO CARRIER String String Message of the connected modem, if no carrier is detected.
Command mode ~~+++~~ String Hayes compatible AT command to switch modem to command mode.
Modem answer ATA^M String Hayes compatible AT command to answer incoming call.
Modem hangup ATA^M~~~~~ String Hayes compatible AT command to hang up (terminate) an existing connection.
Max ring time 70 0…255 Maximum time [s] until a call is cancelled.
Max number of calls 3 0…255 Maximum number of calls executed to establish a connection to a communication partner.
Call delay 2 0…255 Delay time [s] between two calls.
Hangup time 30 0…255 Time until a hang up process is considered as completed.

After configuring the modem, a list of telephone numbers (phone book) has to be created for the nodes of the RCOM network. This is done by adding new sub entries to the Dial-up modem entry.

  1. In the device tree, right-click the Dial_up_modem (Dial-up modem) node and select Add object. Select Telephone number and click Add object.

  2. In the device tree, double-click the Telephone_number node to open the telephone number parameters.

    The following parameters are available:

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
Dial prefix number 1 1…6 Identifier for the corresponding prefix. Prefixes can be configured under module “Dial-up modem” as described above.
Telephone number - Valid telephone number Telephone number as a string.