Configuring the Expert PDO Settings

The activation of the check box Enable Expert PDO Settings displays the available parameters of the expert PDO settings:


The following parameters are available:




Value Meaning
Node ID 1 1…127 Note ID of the remote device
Enable Expert PDO Settings Disabled Disabled Expert PDO settings are disabled.
Enabled Expert PDO settings are enabled.
Optional Device Disabled Disabled Optional device is disabled.
Enabled Optional device is enabled.
Create all SDOs Enabled Disabled Creation of all SDOs is disabled.
Enabled Creation of all SDOs is enabled.
No initialization Disabled Disabled No initialization option is disabled.
Enabled No initialization option is enabled.
Enable Sync Producer Disabled Disabled Sync producer is disabled.
Enabled Sync producer is enabled.
Factory Settings Disabled Disabled No factory settings are used.
Enabled Factory settings are used. The corresponding factory setting can be selected in the combo box right of the check box.
Node Guard
Enable Nodeguarding Enabled Disabled Nodeguarding is disabled.
Enabled Nodeguarding is enabled. This function can only be enabled if Heartbeat Generation is disabled.
Guard time [ms] 200 0…65535 The parameter Guard time sets the cycle time for the Nodeguarding in [ms].
Life time factor 2 0…255

The Life time factor sets the factor when the connection should be applied as lost.

Warning: To reach a stable communication of the node on the CANOPEN, the Life time factor has to be set to minimal 2.

Enable Emergency (read only) Enabled Enabled CANOPEN Remote Device sends emergency telegrams.
COB-ID (read only) $NODEID+16#80 $NODEID+16#80 Communication Object Identifier of the remote device.
Heart Beat
Enable Heartbeat Generation Disabled Disabled Heartbeat generation is disabled.
Enabled Heartbeat Generation is enabled. This option can only be enabled if Nodeguarding is disabled.
Heartbeat producer time [ms] 10 0…65535 The Heartbeat producer time represents the cycle time for the Heartbeat Generation in [ms].

Change Properties Heartbeat consumer

Remark 1 Configuration of the CANOPEN Remote Devices

- - The button Change Properties Heartbeat consumer opens the dialog Heartbeat Properties where the heartbeat parameters can be set.
Checks at startup
Check vendor id Enabled Disabled The vendor id will not be checked on startup.
Enabled The vendor id will be checked on startup.
Check product number Disabled Disabled The product number will not be checked on startup.
Enabled The product number will be checked on startup.
Check revision number Disabled Disabled The revision number will not be checked on startup.
Enabled The revision number will be checked on startup.

Remark 1: Change Properties Heartbeat consumer

Click on button Change Properties Heartbeat consumer to pens the Heartbeat properties dialog window:


The dialog shows the nodes defined in the EDS files which can be selected for getting guarded. For this purpose set a check in the Enable field and enter the desired value in milliseconds in the Heartbeat time field (double-clicking on this field opens a selection box of time values). If the Heartbeat Consumer option is activated, then the corresponding module will listen to heartbeats which are sent by the master. As soon as no more heartbeats are received, the module will switch off the I/Os.


To reach a stable communication of the node on the CANOPEN bus the parameter Life Time factor has to be set to 2 at least.


A life guarding can only be used if the master carries out a Nodeguarding. That means Life-Guarding presumes Nodeguarding.