Configuration of the Operator Terminal

  1. In the device tree, double-click the Console (Console) node.

    The following parameters are available for debugging the terminal interface (operator terminal):

Parameter Default value Value Meaning
RTS control None None RTS control is not enabled.
Baudrate 19200 19200 The baudrate of the Operator terminal is 19200 Baud/sec (read-only).
Parity None None The operator console COM port does not use a parity check (read-only).
Data Bits 8 8 The number of data bits is 8 (read-only).
Stop Bits 1 1 One stop bit is used (read-only).
Debug level No messages No messages Only error messages are printed on the terminal.
Level 1 Brief messages of protocol events like data transmissions are printed.
Level 2 Detailed information of protocol events is printed.