Activating another Hardware Variant (Configuration File)\ \ \

Only one hardware configuration (*.ccf file) can be loaded and analyzed by AC500 firmware at a time. Flexible configuration allows you to switch between hardware variants by using one of the following methods:

  • Function Block in the IEC application. See Flexible Configuration Library.

  • AC500 display (CFG button until FL 000 is displayed). See Display and Operating Elements on the Front Panel of a Processor Module.

    Note: At the moment this configuration method is not supported for PM595-4ETH.

  • A PLC browser command. Possible commands:

    • fcidget: Shows the current values of the settings for flexible configuration. Possible values: Active FlexConfID, Configured FlexConfID, Number of configuration files.
    • fcidset <flexconfid>: Changes the value of the FlexConfID in the confdata file.


Activation becomes valid only after PLC reboot - independent from the used method. Information on active configuration is stored in the confdata file in the PLC’s flash memory. The online functions of Automation_Builder are only supported for the configuration loaded to the PLC.