Modify wait time of MultiDownload/Online Change

Depending on the network infrastructure the MultiOnlineChange (MOC) might run into errors due to timeouts. The user will not be informed about these timeouts directly, but each timeout might result in errors.


“Logfile cannot be read” (red line in PLC list even though the download/change was successful).

“Online Change not possible” (PLC changes state from “run” to “stop” during Online Change, because the wait time for loading the project was not sufficient).

To avoid these timeouts and the resulting errors the user can extend the wait times of the MultiOnlineChange plug-in/tool. These times can be adapted in the template XML file “CmdTemplate.xml” by increasing the values in the delay lines. The file has the following content:

  device instance "MyDriver"
  device parameter "Address" @@@ipAddress
  device parameter "Port" @@@port
  device parameter "Motorola byteorder" Yes
  onerror continue
  delay 1000
  query off no
  online login
  delay 5000
  online logout
  waitevent ONL_LOGGEDOUT
  query off no
  online login
  delay 3000
  online filewrite @@@iniFileForLogging
  online filewrite @@@uniqueIdent
  online logout
  waitevent ONL_LOGGEDOUT
  query off ok
  online login
  delay 3000
  @@@bootproject online bootproject;
  delay 10000
  online logout
  waitevent ONL_LOGGEDOUT
  query off no
  online login
  delay 1\ 5\ 0\ 0\ 0 @@@enable online run   delay 2\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0 online fileread @@@uploadLogFile   waitevent ONL\_FILEREAD   delay 5\ 0\ 0\ 0 online logout   file save   delay 1000   system "@@@handleRiBatch"   delay 2000 </DownloadPLC> \.\.\. <OnlineChangePLC>   project loadcompileinfo "@@@plcDirectory\\@@@projectName\.ri"   device instance "MyDriver"   device parameter "Address" @@@ipAddress   device parameter "Port" @@@port   device parameter "Motorola byteorder" Yes   delay 1\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0 onerror continue   query off no   online login   delay 1\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0 online filewrite @@@iniFileForLogging   waitevent ONL\_FILEWRITTEN   online filewrite @@@uniqueIdent   waitevent ONL\_FILEWRITTEN   online logout   waitevent ONL\_LOGGEDOUT   query off ok   delay 1000   online login   waitevent ONL\_PROGRAMLOADED   delay 3000   @@@bootproject online bootproject   waitevent ONL\_FILEWRITTEN   delay 10000   online logout   waitevent ONL\_LOGGEDOUT   query off no   online login   delay 1\ 5\ 0\ 0\ 0 online fileread @@@uploadLogFile   waitevent ONL\_FILEREAD   delay 3\ 0\ 0\ 0 online logout   file save   delay 1000   system "@@@handleRiBatch"   delay 2000 </OnlineChangePLC> </CmdTemplates>

Each delay defines a wait time in milliseconds, which can be adapted by the user. As an example some of the delays are emphasized above:

  • The three emphasized delay times in tag <DownloadPLC> can be increased to ensure that the MOC waits long enough for the log-file to be accessible after reboot before reading it.
  • The four emphasized delay times in tag <OnlineChangePLC> can be increased to ensure that MOC waits long enough for loading the project, logging in to PLC and reading the log-file.