16 Bit Up/Down CounterΒΆ

The function block CMS_IO_16BIT_CNT can be used to control one 16 bit up/down counter function CMS_IO_16BIT_CNT: CMS_IO_16BIT_CNT

Possible operation modes: 8-1 <no title>

Touch/Catch Operation

The touch/catch operation is the way to acquire the counting position synchronously with hardware external signal removing all the latency time of I/O-Bus and network. This operation allows synchronization between 2 different encoder devices if the same hardware signal is used for touch/catch input.

On edge of the physical external signal, the current counter value (ACT) is stored in a dedicated double word (CNT_TOUCH). The touch/catch operation could be settled on rising or falling edge depending on parameter EDGE_TOUCH.


Procedure and associated counting value with signal A

Touch/catch operation is enabled through control bit (EN_TOUCH). This resets the status flag (RDY_TOUCH), when the pre-determined edge occurs; the current counter value is stored in the touch value double word. In the same time, the status RDY_TOUCH is set to TRUE.

A rising edge at input DI0, DI1, DC2 or DC3 causes the function block to store the actual counter value and to display this value at output CNT_TOUCH.

SET Operation

A rising edge at input DI0, DI1, DC2 or DC3 causes the function block to store the START_VALUE value and to display this value at output ACT.

RESET Operation

A rising edge at input DI0, DI1, DC2 or DC3 causes the block to reset the value at output ACT.