Control Bytes (0 and 1) FunctionsΒΆ

  Used by operative modes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Bit 0 EN : FALSE = counter disabled X X X X X X   X     X X X X X
EN : TRUE = counter enabled                              
Bit 1 SET : TRUE = set the counter A X X     X X   X     X X X    
EN_0 : TRUE = enable time capture on falling edge                             X
SET : TRUE = set end value (with bit 0 of output byte set to TRUE)                           X  
Bit 2 RESET : TRUE = reset counter A X X X X X X   X     X X X    
EN_1 : TRUE = enable time capture on rising edge                             X
Bit 3 UP/DOWN : FALSE = up counter A;  UP/DOWN : TRUE = down counter A     X X                      
FREQ : FALSE = time measure mode;  FREQ : TRUE = frequency and rotation per minute (RPM) mode                             X
Bit 4 RESET : TRUE = reset counter B     X X                      
RPI: reference point indicator                     X X X    
RESET_NEW : TRUE = time, frequency, rotation per minute (RPM) is reset and parameter output NEW is cleared                             X
Bit 5 UP/DOWN : FALSE = up counter;  UP/DOWN : TRUE = down counter X X     X X   X              
UP/DOWN : FALSE = up counter B;  UP/DOWN : TRUE = down counter B     X X                      
Bit 6 EN_TOUCH : FALSE = no catch operation;  EN_TOUCH : TRUE = enable next catch operation X X X X X X   X     X X X X  
Bit 7 EDGE_TOUCH : FALSE = catch on falling edge;  EDGE_TOUCH : TRUE = catch on rising edge X X X X X X   X     X X X X  
Output information for the counter > Input information for the user program
32 bit counter 0 > Input double word 0
High word > Input word 0.0
Low word > Input word 1
Touch counter value 0 > Input double word 1
High word > Input word 1.0
Low word > Input word 1.1
State byte 0 > Input byte 0
32 bit counter 1 > Input double word 2
High word > Input word 2.0
Low word > Input word 2.1
Touch counter value 1 > Input double word 3
High word > Input double word 3.0
Low word > Input double word 3.1
State byte 1 > Input byte 2
Inputs counter 1 > Input byte 3
Meaning of the output information for the counter:
32 bit counter 0 DWORD Actual value of the counter 0
32 bit counter 1 DWORD Actual value of the counter 1
Touch counter value 0 DWORD Touch/catch value of the counter 0
Touch counter value 1 DWORD Touch/catch value of the counter 1
State byte 0 BYTE

State byte for the counter 0:

Depending to operating modes, the different bits of state byte 0 are used to display and control the counting (see below table)

State byte 1 BYTE

State byte for the counter 1:

Depending to operating modes, the different bits of state byte 1 are used to display and control the counting (see below table)

Input counter 0 BYTE Inputs for the counters 0:
Bit 0 State corresponding to input A
Bit 1 State corresponding to input B
Bit 2 State corresponding to input Z
Bit 3 State corresponding to input I3
Bit 4 State corresponding to input I4
Bit 5 State corresponding to input I5
Bit 6 State corresponding to input I6
Bit 7 State corresponding to input I7
Input counter 1 BYTE Inputs for the counters 1:
Bit 0 State corresponding to input A
Bit 1 State corresponding to input B
Bit 2 State corresponding to input Z
Bit 3 State corresponding to input I11
Bit 4 State corresponding to input I12
Bit 5 State corresponding to input I13
Bit 6 State corresponding to input I14
Bit 7 State corresponding to input I15