PNIO Parameters¶
In this General tab-sheet the IP Parameter, the Communication and the User-defined Parameters will be edited.
The following parameters are available:
Parameter | Default | Value | Meaning | Parameter (Remark 1 Configuration of Non-ABB PROFINET IO Devices) |
Station name | Device-specific | Up to 240 characters | This is a system wide unique name for addressing the device. Must be a valid hostname. | Slave parameters -> Identification -> Station name |
IP Parameter | ||||
IP Address | | Valid IP address | IP address of the PROFINET IO controller station. | Slave parameters -> Identification -> IP address |
Subnet mask | | Valid subnet mask | Network mask of the PROFINET IO controller station. | Slave parameters -> Identification -> Subnet mask |
Default Gateway | | Valid gateway address | Default gateway address of the PROFINET IO controller station. | Slave parameters -> Identification -> Default gateway address |
Communication | ||||
Send Clock (ms) | Device-specific | Device-specific | Parameter Send clock determines the sending interval in [ms]. | Slave parameters -> Send clock |
Reduction Ratio | Device-specific | 1…512 | The Reduction ratio determines the factor for calculating the SendCycle. Cycle time = Send clock x Reducation ratio <= 512ms |
Slave parameters -> Reduction ratio |
Phase | - | 1…Reduction ratio | Defines the part of the SendCycle at which an IO frame is sent. | Phase |
RT Class | RT Class 1 Data-RTC-PDU | RT Class 1 Data-RTC-PDU | Defines the Realtime Class of cyclic data. Currently only RT Class 1 Data-RTC-PDU is supported. | Slave parameters -> RT Class |
RT Class 2 Data-RTC-PDU | ||||
RT Class 3 Data-RTC-PDU | ||||
RT Class 1 UDP-RTC-PDU | ||||
Watchdog [ms] | 3 | 1…65535 | The Watchdog time is calculated as Watchdog time = SendCycle * Watchdog factor. The transfer of a IO telegram is always checked of the consumer side. Within this time the next IO telegram must be received by a consumer. Otherwise it is checked if the Datahold has been expired too. | Watchdog time |
VLAN ID | 0 | 0..4095 or 0..32767 |
In case of VLAN usage the parameter VLAN ID represents the ID of the virtual network. For VLAN type 802.1Q the range is 0..4095 while VLAN type ISL accepts values from 0 to 32767. The supported type depends on the used device. |
Slave parameters -> VLAN ID |
User-Defined Parameters | ||||
User-Defined Parameters | Device-specific | Device-specific | The parameters of a PROFINET device are stored as RecordData items. The table “User parameter” is a generic view of the elements of a RecordData item. The Record Data item and it’s default values are read from GSDML-File. | - |
Set All Default Values | - | - | The button restores the default values of the user parameters. | - |
In this PROFINET IO device tab-sheet the following Parameter will be edited.
Parameter | Default | Value | Meaning | Parameter (Remark 1 Configuration of Non-ABB PROFINET IO Devices) |
Frame send offset [ns] | 0xFFFFFFFF (means: as soon as possible) |
1…2^32 - 1 | Only available for RT Class 3 Data-RTC-PDU | Frame send offset |
Datahold factor | 3 | 1 …65535 | The Datahold time is calculated as Datahold time = SendCycle * Datahold factor. If the Watchdog time has been expired, the Datahold time will checked. If the Datahold time also has been expired, the substitution values of the IOs will be used. For RT_Class_1 communication Datahold time and the Watchdog time are usually configured with the same value. | Datahold factor |