Device Tree



  • The different hardware layers (RS-232, RS-485, RS-422) are configurable by plugging of corresponding module.

  • For configuration of “COM1 ASCII”, see The Setting “COMx ASCII” Setting COMx - ASCII.

  • For inputs of serial (or raw CAN) interface see explanation below.

  • For outputs of serial (or raw CAN) interface see explanation below.

  • For configuration of “COM2 ASCII”, see The Setting “COMx ASCII” Setting COMx - ASCII.

  • For configuration of the CANOPEN master and underlying CANOPEN network, see CM578-CN - Communication Module CANOPEN manager CM578-CN / CM598-CN - CANOPEN Manager Communication Module.

    =>CANOPEN master is not available for CI504-PNIO. Instead a 3rd serial interface is available (configuration is the same as configuration of COM1)

    =>CANOPEN master can be replaced by raw CAN (CAN 2A / CAN2B) at CI506-PNIO