Command File SDCARD.INI for AC500 V2 Products¶
File Content: Firmware Version V2.0 to V2.4
[Status] FunctionOfCard=2 |
0 = Perform no function when inserting the SD memory card or voltage ON 1 = Load user program according to entry in group [UserProg] 2 = Start firmware update according to entry in group [FirmwareUpdate] 3 = Update firmware according to entry in group [FirmwareUpdate] and load user program according to entry in [UserProg] |
[FirmwareUpdate] CPUPM5x1=2 |
0 = No update 1 = Update firmware always from base directory on the CPU (supported for CPU firmware only, but not for other firmware components, e. g. display firmware, firmware of onboard I/Os etc.). 2 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed if the key version in a product section (for example [PM583]) and the*) according file returns a different result than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. 3 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed if the key version in a product section (for example [PM583]) and the*) according file returns a newer version than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. |
Display=2 | 0 = No update 2 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed if the key version in a product section (for example [PM583]) and the according file returns a different result than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. 3 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the key version in a product section (for example [PM583]) and the according file returns a newer version than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. |
OnboardIO=2 | 0 = No update 2 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed if the key OnboardIO in a product section (for example [PM554]) and the according file returns a different result than the version on the CPU. If the key OnboardIO is missing, no update is performed. 3 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed if the key OnboardIO in a product section (for example [PM554]) and the according file returns a newer version than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. |
RtcBatt=2 | 0 = No update 2 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the key RtcBatt in a product section (for example [PM554]) and the according file returns a different result than the version on the CPU. If the key OnboardIO is missing, no update is performed. 3 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed if the key RtcBatt in a product section (for example [PM554]) and the according file returns a newer version than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. |
Coupler0=0 | Update communication module slot 0 0 = No update 2 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed if the key Version in a product section (for example [PM5x1]) and the according file returns a different result than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. 3 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed if the key version in a product section (for example [PM5x1]) and the according file returns a newer version than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. |
Coupler1=0 Coupler2=0 Coupler3=0 Coupler4=0 Coupler5=0 Coupler6=0 |
Update module slot 1; available modes: 0/2/3; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 2; available modes: 0/2/3; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 3; available modes: 0/2/3; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 4; available modes: 0/2/3; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 5; available modes: 0/2/3; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 6; available modes: 0/2/3; see description Coupler0) |
LedBoard=0 | Update LED Board of PM595-4ETH CPU 0 = No update 2 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the key version in the product section (for PM595-4ETH]) and the according file returns a different result than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. 3 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed if the key version in the product section (for PM595-4ETH) and the according file returns a newer version than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. |
[UserProg] | |
UserProgram=0 RetainData=0 PersistentData=0 ConfData=0 |
Update user program: 0 = no update / 1 = update) Update retain variables: 0 = no update / 1 = update) Update persistant variables: 0 = no update / 1 = update) Update configuration data of the onboard ETHERNET CPU´s and the communication module´s: 0 = no update / 1 = update*) |
CouplerConfig0=0 CouplerConfig1=0 CouplerConfig2=0 CouplerConfig3=0 CouplerConfig4=0 |
Update coupler configuration Slot 0 : 0 = no update / 1 = update*) Update coupler configuration Slot 1 : 0 = no update / 1 = update*) Update coupler configuration Slot 2 : 0 = no update / 1 = update*) Update coupler configuration Slot 3 : 0 = no update / 1 = update*) Update coupler configuration Slot 4 : 0 = no update / 1 = update*) |
[PM554] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=1_3_0 ONB_IO=1_1_2 RTC_BATT=1_6 |
CPU type CPU firmware version CPU bootcode version Onboard IO version RTC_Batt version |
[PM554ETH] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_0_2 ONB_IO=1_1_2 RTC_BATT=1_6 |
[PM564] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=1_3_0 ONB_IO=1_1_2 RTC_BATT=1_6 |
[PM564ETH] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_0_2 ONB_IO=1_1_2 RTC_BATT=1_6 |
[PM572] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_0 DISPLAY=2_8 |
CPU type CPU firmware version CPU bootcode version CPU display version |
[PM573ETH] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_0 DISPLAY=2_8 |
[PM582] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_0 DISPLAY=2_8 |
[PM583] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_0 DISPLAY=2_8 |
[PM590ARC] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_1 DISPLAY=2_8 |
[PM590ETH] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_1 DISPLAY=2_8 |
[PM591ETH] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_1 DISPLAY=2_8 |
[PM591-2ETH] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_1 DISPLAY=2_8 |
[PM592ETH] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_3_1 DISPLAY=2_8 |
[PM595-4ETH] VERSION=2_4_2 PLCBOOT=2_4_1 LEDBOARD=1_5 |
[CM574] VERSION=2_1_3 |
[CM578] VERSION=1_109 |
[CMETH] VERSION=2_7_22 |
File Content: Firmware Version V2.5
As of firmware version 2.5 all firmware updates are triggered by the command file SDCARD.INI. This is independent from the way of the firmware update (SD memory card, FTP, write file to plc, …). In addition a result file of the firmware update is generated (SDCARD.RDY, identical path as SDCARD.INI, see Initializing an SD memory card :doc:`f40975c4e38c28ca0a33139000473a6a`\ ). For the group [FirmwareUpdate] the new parameters 11, 12 and 13 are defined.
SDCARD.INI for SD memory card PM595 in part:
SDCARD.INI for update via FTP in part:
In this case the files PM595.gza, AC500eth.nxf, S560_1.gza, S560_2.gza, AC500pnm.nxf and NX_ECM.nxf are transferred via FTP to the RAM disk of the PLC. The last step is the transfer of the file SDCARD.INI to the RAM disk of the PLC. At the end of the update the result file SDCARD.RDY is generated. The evaluation of this file shows the results of the updates.
[FirmwareUpdate] CPUPM5x1=2 |
In addition to the unchanged parameters 0, 1, 2 and 3 the parameters 11, 12 and 13 are defined. 11 = Update firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key Boot or/and Firmware (for SM560 the component’s path keys Boot2 and Firmware2 are defined additionally). 12 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed if the version of the file specified by the component path key Boot and/or Firmware in module’s section [CPU] differs from the current version of the CPU. 13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component key Boot and/or Firmware in module’s section [CPU] is newer than the current version of the CPU. |
Display=2 | In addition to the unchanged parameters 0, 2 and 3 the parameters 11, 12 and 13 are defined. 11 = Update firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key Display. 12 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component path key Display in module’s section [CPU] differs from the current version of the Display. 13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component key Display in module’s section [CPU] is newer than the current version of the Display. |
OnboardIO=2 | In addition to the unchanged parameters 0, 2 and 3 the parameters 11, 12 and 13 are defined. 11 = Update firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key OnboardIO. 12 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component path key OnboardIO in module’s section [CPU] differs from the current version of the OnboardIO. 13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component key OnboardIO in module’s section [CPU] is newer than the current version of the OnboardIO. |
OnboardCan=2 | Update OnboardCan of PM595-4ETH CPU 0 = No update 2 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the key Version in the product section (for PM595-4ETH]) and the according file returns a different result than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. 3 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the key version in the product section (for PM595-4ETH) and the according file returns a newer version than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. 11 = Update firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key OnboardCan. 12 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component path key OnboardCan in module’s section [CPU] differs from the current version of the OnboardCan. 13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component key OnboardCan in module’s section [CPU] is newer than the current version of the OnboardCan. |
RtcBatt=2 | In addition to the unchanged parameters 0, 2 and 3 the parameters 11, 12 and 13 are defined. 11 = Update firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key RtcBatt. 12 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component path key RtcBatt in module’s section [CPU] differs from the current version of the RtcBatt. 13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component key:emphasis:RtcBatt in module’s section [CPU] is newer than the current version of the RtcBatt. |
LedBoard=0 | Update LED Board of PM595-4ETH CPU 0 = No update 2 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the key version in the product section (for PM595-4ETH]) and the according file returns a different result than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. 3 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the key version in the product section (for PM595-4ETH) and the according file returns a newer version than the version on the CPU. If the key version is missing, no update is performed. 11 = Update firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key LedBoard. 12 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component path key LedBoard in module’s section [CPU] differs from the current version of the LedBoard. 13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component key LedBoard in module’s section [CPU] is newer than the current version of the LedBoard. |
Coupler0=0 | In addition to the unchanged parameters 0, 2 and 3 the parameters 11, 12 and 13 are defined. 11 = Update firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [Coupler0] and component’s path key Firmware. 12 = Update with specific version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component path key Firmware in module’s section [Coupler0] differs from the current version of the Coupler. 13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed, if the version of the file specified by the component key Firmware in module’s section [Coupler0] is newer than the current version of the Coupler. |
Coupler1=0 Coupler2=0 Coupler3=0 Coupler4=0 Coupler5=0 Coupler6=0 |
Update module slot 1; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 2; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 3; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 4; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 5; see description Coupler0) Update module slot 6; see description Coupler0) |