

The maximum number of files opened at the same time is limited to 1007.

The max. length of the user string (path and filename) is 241 characters.

Component As of CPU firmware Functionality
RAM disk V2.0.2

Load / save boot project

Firmware update

Internal system files

V2.1.3 Files via FTP server (e. g. firmware update)
User disk V2.0.2

WEB visu files and JAVA applet for webserver

Symbol file for OPC server and CP600 panels


JAVA script files for webserver

User data via CAA_File_xxx.lib CAA_File_Library: CAA_File Library

Files via FTP server

SRAM disk V2.1.3

User data via CAA_File_xxx.lib CAA_File_Library: CAA_File Library

Files via FTP server

Internal flash V2.0.2

CPU firmware

Traceability and configuration data

User application: boot project, symbol file and WEB visu files (BOOT.ZIP + WEBVISU.ZIP)

User data via Internal System Library: Internal System Library

Flash disk V2.1.3

User data via CAA_File_xxx.lib CAA_File_Library: CAA_File Library

Files via FTP server

SD memory card (removable) V2.0.2

Firmware update

Load / save boot project

Source code of user project load / save


Retain data

Persistent data


User data via CAA_File_xxx.lib CAA_File_Library: CAA_File Library

Files via FTP server


Unlike the PLC’s memory areas like %M or Retain, where 1 byte actually consumes 1 byte, all storage device utilize a file system.

That means there is a difference between a files size and its size on the disk.

On disks the files are stored in so-called clusters which are a group of disk sectors. “Size on disk” refers to the amount of cluster(s) a file is taking up, while “file size” is an actual byte count of the file data. So you will usually find that the size on disk is larger than the file size. This is not an error, but a result of the disk organization via a file system. Since sector and cluster sizes vary depending on a disk’s size and the used file system, the ratios between the size on disk and the file size also vary between the various storage devices.