Command File SDCARD.INI for AC500 V3 Products

[FirmwareUpdate] 0 = No update


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

11 = Update system firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key “CPUFW”.

12 = Update with different version, the update is only performed if the version of the file specified by the component path key “CPUFW” in module’s section [CPU] differs from the current version of the CPU.

13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed if the version of the file specified by the component path key “CPUFW” in module’s section [CPU] is newer than the current version of the CPU.



x= 0, 11, 12, 13

See description CPUFW. The component’s path key for the boot firmware in module’s section [CPU] is “BootFW”.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

See description CPUFW. The component’s path key for the update firmware in module’s section [CPU] is “UpdateFW”.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

See description CPUFW. The component’s path key for the display firmware in module’s section [CPU] is “DisplayFW”.


x= 0, 11

11 = Execute UpdateHook always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key “UpdateHook”.


x= 0, 12

12 = Import the license always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key “ImportLicense”. The license file is a Wbb or a WibuCmRaU file. The update process imports this file into the plc.

Note: Do not use parameter 11 for license import.


x= 0, 12

12 = Export the license always to the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key “ExportLicense”. The exported license file is a WibuCmRaC file.

Note: Do not use parameter 11 for license export.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

0 = No update.

11 = Update firmware always with the file specified in module’s section [Coupler0] and component’s path key “Boot” and/or “Firmware”.

12 = Update with different version, the update is only performed if the version of the file specified by the component path key “Boot” and/or “Firmware” in module’s section [Coupler0] differs from the current version of the Coupler.

13 = Update with newer version, the update is only performed if the version of the file specified by the component key “Boot” and/or “Firmware” in module’s section [Coupler0] is newer than the current version of the Coupler.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

Update module slot 1; see description Coupler0, module section is [Coupler1]*.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

Update module slot 2; see description Coupler0, module section is [Coupler2]*.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

Update module slot 3; see description Coupler0, module section is [Coupler3]*.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

Update module slot 4; see description Coupler0, module section is [Coupler4]*.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

Update module slot 5; see description Coupler0, module section is [Coupler5]*.


x= 0, 11, 12, 13

Update module slot 6; see description Coupler0, module section is [Coupler6]*.
[UserProg] 0 = No update.


x= 0, 11

11 = Update user program always with the file specified in module’s section [CPU] and component’s path key “UserProgram”.