Job Types

There are several types of jobs that can be divided into two groups:

  • System services for RCOM network management, e.g. for connection set-up, clear down and reinitializing the network etc.
  • Services for data transmission. After the RCOM network has been started successfully, the master triggers these jobs in order to transmit user data.

System services

The following services are provided for RCOM network management:

  • Cold start: The addressed slave is reset, i.e. all protocol control characters are set to the initial state. In addition, the event queue is deleted. After a cold start, data sets cannot be transmitted again until normalization is completed.
  • Warm start: During a warm start, the event queue is deleted. A warm start can be performed after a transmission error in order to resynchronize master and slave. After a warm start, data sets cannot be transmitted again until normalization is completed.
  • Normalization (normalize user part): Normalization enables the transmission of data sets after a cold start or a warm start. This job has to be used to enable communication.
  • Set clock (clock synchronization): The CM574-RCOM provides a clock that generates time stamps for events. This clock can be set by the master.
  • All system services can be started in the master using corresponding connection elements. In the slave, the system services are handled automatically by the CM574-RCOM, i.e. nothing needs to be configured for the system services in the RCOM slaves.

All system services can be started in the master using corresponding connection elements. In the slave, the system services are handled automatically by the CM574-RCOM, i.e. nothing needs to be configured for the system services in the RCOM slaves.



Do not confuse the RCOM services cold start / warm start and the corresponding PLC commands referring to the hardware state. In this section, the terms “cold start” and “warm start” always refer to the RCOM system services and therefore only affect the protocol state.