Startup Procedure of the PLC

The startup procedure depends on the selected PLC mode.

PLC Mode Display Startup Behavior
00 ../_images/04237f62bbb83bf70a317f3476303c47 Boot project is loaded and all PLC applications are set to “RUN”.
01 ../_images/26ae3a6fbba46a8d0a317f3429f6b01e No boot project is loaded.
02 ../_images/ef85cacbbba46df70a317f340cc32433 Boot project is loaded and the PLC application is set to “RUN” depending on CPU parameter “autostart”.
State Display Description
0 ../_images/21ba2894e387d0410a33139000eba54e Display on system start (power on).
1 ../_images/f0d1c5ede387d12b0a33139000eba54e PLC is in boot mode (see LEDs, Display and Function Keys on the Front Panel).
2 ../_images/77a9e5cbe387d4080a33139000eba54e PLC is in initialization mode (see LEDs, Display and Function Keys on the Front Panel).
3 ../_images/e1fcdaf9e387d5dc0a33139000eba54e

PLC is in STOP mode (see LEDs, Display and Function Keys on the Front Panel).

Same as status:guilabel:`Stop in Automation_Builder.`

4 ../_images/3c1b0dc0e387d5110a33139000eba54e

PLC is in RUN mode (see LEDs, Display and Function Keys on the Front Panel).

Switch into RUN mode is only possible if a valid boot project is available in the flash memory.