The capabilities of the communication module correspond to a processor module. Further information on the processor module can be found in the corresponding device description PM57X_PM58X_PM59X: PM57x (-y), PM58x (-y) and PM59x (-y)
The communication module can be plugged into any slot for external communication modules on a AC500 terminal base. Up to four CM574-RS modules can be used in one AC500 system.
Programming can be done either directly via a serial cable between PC and serial interface of the communication module, or routed via the AC500 CPU using the serial interface or ETHERNET or ARCNET.
Communication with the AC500 processor module:
- Cyclic data exchange via inputs/outputs
- Acyclic data exchange via messages with FBs from the user program
- Direct reception or sending of characters from the user program of the processor module (from V2.x)
For data storage, 2 segments of 64 kB each are available in the flash memory.