Task Configuration¶
Task configuration: Task Configuration
As of firmware V2.4
For a new project a task with the following properties is created:
- Type = cyclic
- Priority = 10
- Cycle time = t # 10 ms
- Program call = PLC_PRG
- Watchdog = t # 100 ms
- Sensitivity = 5
We recommend to create a task according to your needs.
Up to firmware V2.4
Specify a task in your project according to your needs.
All 32 priorities can be selected for the user tasks, where 0 is the highest priority and 31 the lowest. The default priority is 10.
Priorities lower than 10 are reserved for high-priority processes with a very short program execution time. The priorities 10 to 31 are intended for “normal” user tasks or tasks with a long program execution time.
Using, for example, a priority lower than 10 for a task with a long program execution time can cause device errors, e.g. the CS31 bus.
System Events
System events belong to the group of online tasks. Floating point calculations are not allowed in online tasks, for they are not rechecked via software like IEC tasks.