
Transmission technique

  • RS485, potential separated.
  • Twisted pair cable or optical fibre as a medium for the bus.
  • Up to 32 stations (master and slave modules) without repeaters and up to 126 stations on one bus with repeaters.
  • Integrated repeater controller.


  • Up to 244 bytes of input data and 244 bytes of output data per slave.
  • Cyclic user data transfer between DP master and DP slave.
  • Acyclic data transfer from master to master.
  • Slave configuration check.
  • Efficient diagnosis functions, 3 graduated diagnosis messaging levels.
  • Synchronization of inputs and/or outputs via control commands.

Protection functions

  • Message transfer with Hamming distance HD = 4.
  • Errors during data transfer are detected by the CRC check and cause a repetition of the telegram.
  • Access protection for inputs and outputs of the slaves.
  • Incorrect parameter settings are avoided since bus stations with faulty parameters are not included in the user data operation.
  • A failure of a bus station is registered in the master and indicated via a common diagnosis.

Standardization: PROFIBUS DP

IEC61158 / DIN EN series

Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations


PROFIBUS DP Process Fieldbus - Decentral Periphery
DPM1 DP master (class 1), normal bus master
DPM2 DP master (class 2), commissioning device
DPS DP slave, I/O module
GSD Modules master data
DPV1 Guideline for functional expansions of PROFIBUS DP
PNO PROFIBUS Nutzer Organisation (PROFIBUS user organization)