Commissioning ExampleΒΆ

Set IP Address:

  • The setting of the IP address is the first step to integrate the CI52x-MODTCP devices into a running system.
  • The setting of the IP address of the CI52x-MODTCP devices is described in the chapter MODBUS Communication Interface Module in this document.

Set Parameters (optional read parameters):

  • The second step in configuring the CI52x-MODTCP devices is to set the module and channel parameters.
  • A read of parameters is optional but can be used the get the module IDs and the parameter length.
  • The reading and or writing of parameters is described in chapter MODBUS Communication Interface Module.

Set Control Word:

  • After setting the parameter data these have to be activated by writing the control word.
  • The meaning and usage of the control word is described in chapter MODBUS Communication Interface Module.

Exchange data:

  • After setting and activating the parameters the CI52x-MODTCP device is ready for data exchange.
  • The registers for data exchange are described in chapter MODBUS Communication Interface Module.