Protocol Stack Diagnosis ViewΒΆ

The Protocol stack diagnosis shows PROFINET IO device protocol stack related diagnosis information.

Parameter Meaning
Protocol stack state

Current state of the protocol stack. This value is bit coded and is able to carry several state information in combination.

Following details may be combined to a value:

  • Device Information set
  • PROFINET stack started
  • At least one API present
  • Module 0 plugged
  • Module 0 and sub-module 1 plugged
  • Network communication allowed
  • Network communication enabled
  • Configuration locked
  • Fatal error occurred
  • PROFINET diagnosis exists
  • PROFINET maintenance required
  • PROFINET maintenance demanded
  • FiberOptic maintenance demanded port 0
  • FiberOptic maintenance required port 0
  • FiberOptic maintenance demanded port 1
  • FiberOptic maintenance required port 1
Last result Last error code that has occurred in past.
Link state

Current state of the communication link. Values:

  • No information available
  • Physical link works correctly
  • Low speed of physical link
  • No physical link present
Config state

Current state of configuration of the protocol stack. Values:

  • Not configured
  • Configured with DBM Files
  • Error during configuration with DBM Files
  • Configured by application
  • Configuration by application is running
  • Error during configuration by application
  • Configured with warm-start parameters
  • Configuration with warm-start parameters is running
  • Error during configuration with warm-start parameters
Communication state

Current state of communication of the protocol stack. Values:

  • Unknown
  • Offline
  • Stop
  • Idle
  • Operate
Communication error Currently active error code. If the cause of an error is resolved the value is set 0 (OK) and can be checked in the entry Last result.