Overview of Protocols, Sockets \ and Ports

Protocol Port Sockets
DHCP 67 1 socket during startup
BOOTP 67  
ABB netConfig 24567 1 permanent socket if configured in Automation_Builder
Hilscher IPconfig 25383 1 permanent socket if configured in Automation_Builder for CM597-ETH
Online access with driver 3S Tcp/Ip 1201 1 socket per connection + 1 listen
Online access with driver ABB Tcp/Ip L2 AC 1200 1 socket per connection + 1 listen
Online access with driver 3S Tcp/Ip L2 Route 1201 1 socket per connection + 1 listen
MODBUS TCP Server 502 1 socket per server connection, number of server connections is configurable in Automation_Builder
MODBUS TCP Master with POU ETH_MOD_MAST: ETH_MOD_MAST random 1 socket per instance of ETH_MOD_MAST
UDP with AC31 header 0 … 65535 1 socket if enabled in Automation_Builder
UDP no AC31 header (standard UDP) 0 … 65535 1 socket per connection
TCP/IP out of user program with library SysLibSockets.lib 0 … 65535 1 socket per connection
Web server on PLC with web visualization and JAVA applet 80 2 system sockets + 2 per connection
Web server on PLC with support of JAVA script (no applet) 80 2 system sockets + 2 per connection
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) 123 1 permanent socket if configured in Automation_Builder
SMTP client (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) send email out of user program with POU ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND: ETH_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND 25 1 per connection if POU is enabled
IEC60870-5-104 control station random 1 per connection
IEC60870-5-104 substation 2404 1 per connection
FTP server 21 1 per session, max. 4 allowed
PING out of user program with POU ETH_ICMP_PING: ETH_ICMP_PING none 1 per POU if POU is enabled
DNS - supplies the IP address of a host by its name with POU ETH_DNS_RESOLVE: ETH_DNS_RESOLVE 53 1 per POU if POU is enabled