Measurement Files

The measurement data will be stored in the WAV file format. One WAV file will be created for each active channel.

RIFF header
Data type Endian Length File offset Identifier Value
BYTE[4] Big 4 0 (0x00) bfChunkID “RIFX”
DWORD Little 4 4 (0x04) dwChunkSize Data length - 8
BYTE[4] Big 4 8 (0x08) bfRiffType “WAVE”
Format chunk
Data type Endian Length File offset Identifier Value
BYTE[4] Big 4 12 (0x0C) bfChunkID “fmt”
DWORD Little 4 16 (0x10) dwChunkSize Data length - 8
INT Little 2 18 (0x12) wFormatTag 0x0001 (PCM)
INT Little 2 20 (0x14) wChannels 0x0001 (1 ch.)
DWORD Little 4 24 (0x18) dwSamplesPerSec 100 Hz - 50.000 kHz
DWORD Little 4 28 (0x1C) dwBytesPerSec Sample rate * block align
WORD Little 2 32 (0x1E) wBlockAlign 4 byte
WORD Little 2 34 (0x20) wBitsPerSample 32 bit
Data chunk
Data type Endian Length File offset Identifier Value
BYTE[4] Big 4 36 (0x24) bfChunkID “data”
DWORD Little 4 40 (0x28) dwChunkSize Data length - 8
BYTE[] Big Undefined 44 (0x2C) bfData Measurement data
Label chunk
Data type Endian Length File offset Identifier Value
BYTE[4] Big 4 44+sz(bfData) bfChunkID “labl”
DWORD Little 4 48+sz(bfData) dwChunkSize Data length -8
DINT Little 4 52+sz(bfData) dwIdentifier Identifier
BYTE[256] Little 255 56+sz(bfData) bfText „Label Text“

The WAV files will be stored in an uncompressed ZIP file at the destination path of CMS_IO_MEASMNT_CTRL. The file names for of the WAV files are given by the FM502_CMS and are directly corresponding to the analog channel and encoder configuration of the FM502_CMS.


With no encoder, the files are named: CH00_nEN.wav, CH01_nEN.wav, … CH15_nEN.wav and stored in a ZIP file.