Project Export and ImportΒΆ

The export and import functionality is meant for exporting parts of the configuration to reuse them in a new project.


Imported project parts can only be imported in the same Automation_Builder version.


Automation_Builder performs an integrity check for the PLC configuration before generating the configuration Creating Configuration Data.

Project Export

From the menu, select Project -> Export -> Project. Select the objects that should be added to the export file.



One file per subtree: If this option is activated, all objects belonging to the same subtree will be exported into the same export file, otherwise a separate file will be created for each particular object.

Project Import

From the menu, select Project -> Import -> Project.

In the dialog, select the *.export file from the file system and press Open to import the project file.

If the version of the export file is not identically to the version of the project an import is not possible. An error message appears.