Technical Data

The System Data of AC500 and S500 are valid for standard version System Data AC500.

The System Data of AC500-XC are valid for the XC version System Data AC500-XC.

Only additional details are therefore documented below.

General Data of the Processor Modules and the Terminal Bases

System Data AC500

Connection of the supply voltage 24 V DC at the Terminal Base of the Processor Module at a 5-pole removable Terminal Block with spring connection
Current consumption from 24 V DC

PM57x: 50 mA

PM57x-ETH: 110 mA

PM58x: 50 mA

PM58x-ETH: 110 mA

PM58x-ARCNET: 110 mA

PM59x: 90 mA

PM59x-ETH: 150 mA

PM59x-2ETH: 150 mA

PM59x-ARCNET: 150 mA

Inrush current at 24 V DC PM57x, PM58x and PM59x (all variants): 1 A²s *)
Max. power dissipation within the module 10 W
Slots on the Terminal Bases TB511: 1 Processor Module, 1 Communication Module
TB521 / TB523: 1 Processor Module, 2 Communication Modules
TB541: 1 Processor Module, 4 Communication Modules
Processor Module interfaces at the Terminal Bases TB5x1 I/O-Bus, COM1, COM2, FBP
Processor Module interfaces at the Terminal Bases TB5x3 I/O-Bus, COM1
Processor Module network interfaces at the Terminal Bases TB5x1-ETH TB51x-TB54x / PM5xx-ETH: Ethernet
TB5x3-ETH TB51x-TB54x/ PM5xx-ETH: 2x Ethernet
Connection system see System Assembly, Construction and Connection AC500 (Standard)
Width x height x depth TB51x with Processor Module: 95.5 x 135 x 75 mm
TB52x with Processor Module: 123.5 x 135 x 75 mm
TB54x with Processor Module: 179.5 x 135 x 75 mm
Weight (Processor Module without Terminal Base)

PM571: 135 g

PM571-ETH: 150 g

PM581: 135 g

PM581-ETH: 150 g

PM581-ARCNET: 160 g

PM582: 135 g

PM58x-ETH: 150 g

PM59x: 135 g

PM59x-ETH: 150 g

PM59x-2ETH: 150g

PM59x-ARCNET: 160 g

Mounting position

horizontal or

vertical with derating (50 % output load, reduction of temperature to 40 °C)

*The melting integral for the Processor Module is depending on the integrated Processor Module power supply, number and type of Communication Modules and I/O modules connected to the I/O-Bus.

Detailed Data

Processor Module PM571 PM571 -ETH PM572 PM573-ETH (R0271)
Program memory Flash EPROM and RAM 64 kB 128 kB 512 kB
Data memory, integrated 28 kB, incl. 12 kB buffered 128 kB, incl. 12 kB buffered 512 kB, incl. 288 kB buffered
Expandable memory None
Integrated mass storage memory None
Pluggable SD Memory Card for:  
  User data storage x
  Program storage
  Firmware update
Cycle time for 1 instruction:  
  Binary Min. 0.06 µs
  Word Min. 0.09 µs
  Floating point Min. 0.70 µs
Max. number of central inputs and outputs (up to 7 exp. modules):  
  Digital inputs 224
  Digital outputs 168
  Analog inputs 112
  Analog outputs 112
Max. number of central inputs and outputs (10 exp. modules): *)        
  Digital inputs 320
  Digital outputs 240
  Analog inputs 160
  Analog outputs 160
Number of decentra-lized inputs and outputs

Depends on the used field bus

(as an info on the CS31 Bus: up to 31 stations with up to 120 DI / 120 DO each)

Data Backup Battery
Data buffering time at 25 °C About 3 years
Battery low indication Warning indication issued about 2 weeks before the battery charge becomes critical
Real-time clock        
  With battery back-up x
  Accuracy Typ. ± 2 s / day at 25 °C
Program execution        
  Cyclic x
  Time-controlled x
  Multitasking x
Protection of the user program by a password x
Serial interface COM1:        
  Physical link Configurable for RS-232 or RS-485 (from 0.3 to 187.5 kB/s) pluggable Terminal Block, spring connection for programming, as Modbus (master/slave), as serial ASCI communication, as CS31 Master
Serial interface COM2 (not for PM5xy-2ETH models)        
  Physical link Configurable for RS-232 or RS-485 (from 0.3 to 187.5 kB/s) SUB-D connector for programming, as Modbus (master/slave), as serial ASCII communication
Integrated Communication Module:        
  ETH = Ethernet - ETH - ETH onboard with Webserver, SNTP and IEC60870-5-104 protocol
Number of external Communication Modules Up to 4 Communication Modules like PROFIBUS® DP, Ethernet, CANopen®, DeviceNet. There is no restriction concerning the communication module types and Communication Module combinations (e.g. up to 4 PROFIBUS® DP Communication Modules are possible)
LEDs, LCD display, 8 Function Keys For RUN/STOP switch-over, status displays and diagnosis
Number of timers Unlimited
Number of counters Unlimited
Programming languages:        
  Instruction List IL x
  Function Block Diagram FBD x
  Ladder Diagram LD x
  Sequential Function Chart SFC x
  Continuous Function Chart (CFC) x
Certifications CE, GL, DNV, BV, RINA, LRS, cUL
Processor Module PM58x PM58x-ETH PM581-ARCNET PM583-ETH PM585-ETH
Program memory Flash EPROM and RAM

PM581: 256 kB

PM582: 512 kB

1024 kB 1024 kB
Data memory, integrated 416 kB, incl. 288 kB buffered 1024 kB, incl. 288 kB buffered 1536 kB, incl. 512 kB buffered
Expandable memory None
Integrated mass storage memory None
Pluggable SD Memory Card for:  
  User data storage x
  Program storage
  Firmware update
Cycle time for 1 instruction:  
  Binary Min. 0.05 µs Min. 0.004 µs
  Word Min. 0.06 µs Min. 0.008 µs
  Floating point Min. 0.50 µs Min. 0.008 µs
Max. number of central inputs and outputs (up to 7 exp. modules):  
  Digital inputs 224
  Digital outputs 168
  Analog inputs 112
  Analog outputs 112
Max. number of central inputs and outputs (10 exp. modules): *)  
  Digital inputs 320
  Digital outputs 240
  Analog inputs 160
  Analog outputs 160
Number of decentra-lized inputs and outputs

Depends on the used field bus

(as an info on the CS31 Bus: up to 31 stations with up to 120 DI / 120 DO each)

Data Backup Battery
Data buffering time at 25 °C About 3 years
Battery low indication Warning indication issued about 2 weeks before the battery charge becomes critical
Real-time clock  
  With battery back-up x
  Accuracy Typ. ± 2 s / day at 25 °C
Program execution  
  Cyclic x
  Time-controlled x
  Multitasking x
Protection of the user program by a password x
Serial interface COM1:  
  Physical link Configurable for RS-232 or RS-485 (from 0.3 to 187.5 kB/s) pluggable Terminal Block, spring connection for programming, as Modbus (master/slave), as serial ASCI communication, as CS31 Master
Serial interface COM2 (not for PM5xy-2ETH models)  
  Physical link Configurable for RS-232 or RS-485 (from 0.3 to 187.5 kB/s) SUB-D connector for programming, as Modbus (master/slave), as serial ASCII communication
Integrated Communication Module:  
  ETH = Ethernet - ETH ARCNET ETH onboard with Webserver, SNTP and IEC60870-5-104 protocol
Number of external Communication Modules Up to 4 Communication Modules like PROFIBUS® DP, Ethernet, CANopen®, DeviceNet. There is no restriction concerning the communication module types and Communication Module combinations (e.g. up to 4 PROFIBUS® DP Communication Modules are possible)
LEDs, LCD display, 8 Function Keys For RUN/STOP switch-over, status displays and diagnosis
Number of timers Unlimited
Number of counters Unlimited
Programming languages:  
  Instruction List IL x
  Function Block Diagram FBD x
  Ladder Diagram LD x
  Sequential Function Chart SFC x
  Continuous Function Chart (CFC) x
Certifications CE, GL, DNV, BV, RINA, LRS, cUL
Processor Module PM59x PM59x-ETH PM591-ARCNET (R0260, R0261)

PM59x-ETH (R0271)

PM59x-2ETH (R0277)

Program memory Flash EPROM and RAM

PM590: 2048 kB

PM591/PM592: 4096 kB

Data memory, integrated

PM590: 2560 kB,

PM591: 3584 kB, incl. 1536 kB buffered

PM590: 3072 kB,

PM591/592: 5632 kB, incl. 1536 kB buffered

Expandable memory None
Integrated mass storage memory None PM592-ETH: 4 GB flashdisk
Pluggable SD Memory Card for:        
  User data storage x
  Program storage
  Firmware update
Cycle time for 1 instruction:        
  Binary Min. 0.002 µs
  Word Min. 0.004 µs
  Floating point Min. 0.004 µs
Max. number of central inputs and outputs (up to 7 exp. modules):  
  Digital inputs 224
  Digital outputs 168
  Analog inputs 112
  Analog outputs 112
Max. number of central inputs and outputs (10 exp. modules): *)        
  Digital inputs 320
  Digital outputs 240
  Analog inputs 160
  Analog outputs 160
Number of decentra-lized inputs and outputs

Depends on the used field bus

(as an info on the CS31 Bus: up to 31 stations with up to 120 DI / 120 DO each)

Data Backup Battery
Data buffering time at 25 °C About 3 years
Battery low indication Warning indication issued about 2 weeks before the battery charge becomes critical
Real-time clock        
  With battery back-up x
  Accuracy Typ. ± 2 s / day at 25 °C
Program execution        
  Cyclic x
  Time-controlled x
  Multitasking x
Protection of the user program by a password x
Serial interface COM1:        
  Physical link Configurable for RS-232 or RS-485 (from 0.3 to 187.5 kB/s) pluggable Terminal Block, spring connection for programming, as Modbus (master/slave), as serial ASCI communication, as CS31 Master
Serial interface COM2 (not for PM5xy-2ETH models)        
  Physical link Configurable for RS-232 or RS-485 (from 0.3 to 187.5 kB/s) SUB-D connector for programming, as Modbus (master/slave), as serial ASCII communication
Integrated Communication Module:        
  ETH = Ethernet - ETH ARCNET ETH onboard with Webserver, SNTP and IEC60870-5-104 protocol
Number of external Communication Modules Up to 4 Communication Modules like PROFIBUSâ DP, Ethernet, CANopenâ, DeviceNet. There is no restriction concerning the communication module types and Communication Module combinations (e.g. up to 4 PROFIBUSâ DP Communication Modules are possible)
LEDs, LCD display, 8 Function Keys For RUN/STOP switch-over, status displays and diagnosis
Number of timers Unlimited
Number of counters Unlimited
Programming languages:        
  Instruction List IL x
  Function Block Diagram FBD x
  Ladder Diagram LD x
  Sequential Function Chart SFC x
  Continuous Function Chart (CFC) x
Certifications CE, GL, DNV, BV, RINA, LRS, cUL

*) up to 7 I/O Terminal Units before PS501 V1.2 and Processor Module firmware before V1.2.0