CM578-CN CANopen® Communication Module CMS Domain Services¶
The CANopen® protocol defines different services which are summarized under the name Domain Services. All Domain Services that are transmitted and were received are counted in this table and shown online by Automation Builder. A special value is the Hard transmission abort counter. Each CAN message which is inserted into the CAN controller to be sent is supervised by a simultaneously started timer. If the CAN controller cannot sent the message, because it does not find any other CAN controller active in the connected network who is acknowledging him the message. The message cannot be sent and the timer expires. If so, the message is thrown away and the next message of the queue is inserted to be sent. So an incrementing Hard transmission abort counter is directly an indication for a physical hardware problem in the network. A possible fault that is often made is a wrong configured baud rate for example that causes such an error, too.
Parameter | Description |
Start node request | Number of Service “NMT Start remote node” sent. |
Stop node request | Number of Service “NMT Stop remote node” sent. |
Init upload request | Number of Service “SDO Upload initiate” requests sent. |
Segment upload request | Number of Service “SDO Upload segment” requests sent. |
Segment upload response | Number of Service “SDO Upload segment” response received. |
Init download request | Number of Service “SDO Download initiate” request sent. |
Init download response | Number of Service “SDO Download initiate” response received. |
Segment download request | Number of Service “SDO Download segment”SDO Download segment requests sent. |
Segment download response | Number of Service “SDO Download segment” response received. |
Abort domain request | Number of Service “SDO Download segment” response received. |
Abort domain response | Number of Service “SDO Abort transfer” response received. |
Reset node request | Number of Service “NMT Reset node” request sent. |
Sync request | Number of Service “SYNC Write” request sent. |
Node guard request | Number of Service “NMT Node guarding” request sent. |
Hard transmission aborts | Number of CAN message transmission aborted. |